About the System
The story behind Memory Shock
Secrets, Tips, and Tricks of a Powerful Memory: The Memory Shock Oh-So-Easy Fun-to-Learn User’s Guide for Your Brain is a book and audio system. It includes all the material I teach regularly at community colleges of the State University of New York and as a guest lecturer at the world-renowned N.Y.P.D. Police Academy’s Executive Training Section.
A bit of an explanation: In April, 2008, one of my best equipment finance customers called. (For about 20 years, I was a Best Practices and Master Member of the National Association of Equipment Lease Brokers.) He said that he and his partner agreed to the terms and monthly payment program that I had negotiated with him on the phone the day before, and they were ready to go. “Please draw up a contract.” The problem was not simply that I couldn’t remember the payment amount; it was that I literally could not remember having been on the phone with him the day before. That was my wake-up call. Due to a number of factors, including a prescription medication that was later to be the subject of a massive class-action lawsuit, my brain had turned to mush. I had been in denial for a few years, but now it became apparent: I had to act.
The goods news—the great news—was that over the years, starting in junior high school, I had been using a powerful mnemonic system. I used it to earn a competitive-test New York State Regents College Scholarship (even though I had been a lazy student at best). I used the system to earn a fast-tracked position in submarine reactor construction management and aced the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-propulsion systems test. In short, I used it when I needed it. (And when I wanted to show off to friends; there’s a chapter in my book about Parlor Tricks.)
When that phone call in 2008 forced me to take action, I realized that I’d have to dust off, polish and expand the system that I now call Memory Shock as an everyday tool. While I’ve been assured by two world-class neurologists that most of the loss of my natural memory was permanent, my functional memory is better than it’s ever been. When I walk into a room, I know two incontrovertible facts: 1) I have the absolutely worst natural memory, and 2) because of my system, I have the absolutely best functional memory in the room. No question! If you’ve attended any of my many keynote speeches or lectures, you’ve seen me recite—from memory—the crossword puzzle published in that morning’s New York Times. No, there’s not a great call for such a trick, but there are plenty of applications for the skills involved. (And I’m told that it sure is an impressive demonstration.)
What does this mean to you? It means that you’ll look forward to meeting roomfuls of new people and impressing them with your retention and use of their names. [Chapter 3] It means that you can (and will) have all the dozens of website passwords you need easily retained without being written down. [Chapter 18]
You’ll easily master the days of the week for years—and even centuries! You’ll be able to instantly tell your boss that the date he gave you for a management meeting four months out falls on a Sunday, and you’ll suggest a different day—while trying not to laugh. [Chapters 13 and 14] You’ll astound friends with amazing parlor tricks that will take no effort at all: Easily committing to memory 50 decimal places of Pi [Chapter 34], or that morning’s crossword puzzle [Chapter 10], or a shuffled deck of playing cards [Chapters 19 and 20]. Things like the basis of the First Ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution [Chapter 6] take so little effort to master that I teach the technique to many of my audiences in minutes and they learn them without even knowing it! When they realize what they’ve learned, they’re startled. And this: In 2009, competing in a year-long run-up against over 200 members of Big Slick Poker Club in Washingtonville, New York, I won a $10,000 seat into the World Series of Poker Main Event in Las Vegas. Now I can’t guaranty your success at the tables, but if you are a serious player you’ll make plenty of use of this system.
And most important is this: All these skills and many more are easy and fun to learn! Give my system twenty minutes a day for three or four weeks and you’ll be doing these kinds of things without a struggle. Customers, rate sheets, tasks-to-do, appointment schedules. And share this with your family. What a great back-to-school gift for a successful school career and improved grades. (Think scholarship!) There’s a super chapter on job interviewing, as well as special chapters devoted to everything from waiting on tables without writing down orders to public speaking without notes. From remembering numbers of all kinds (and lengths) to performing the most amazing parlor tricks imaginable. (Two of these tricks absolutely stumped Harvey Berg, known throughout the world by magicians and mentalists as the premier inventor of stage effects.)
This is just the easiest, most fun-to-learn, twenty-minutes-a-day way to an incredible memory ever! I am truly convinced, based on my presentations from Las Vegas to New England, from Minneapolis to St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands, from graduate students of education to high ranking police brass, and from a Girl Scout troop in New York to a retirement community in Florida: This stuff works and works fast!
At the beginning of my speeches and lectures, I say, ‘Raise your hand if you think you can remember the names and faces of all the people in this projected image.’ NO ONE raises their hand. Then I show them how to do it with my simple two-word system. Throughout the rest of the hour they shout out those names as I flash the faces unannounced on the screen. Then I show them — AND THEY USE — an incredibly simple method for remembering numbered lists. And everyone in the auditorium is delighted about their new ability. Many of them have the same amazed look as the audience of an A-List magician. Then they realize that THEY were the ones performing the magic tricks. (Honest, you don’t know what fun is until you’ve made a roomful of big city police brass giggle like a bunch of young kids!)
And now, with an investment of twenty minutes a day, you can master the entire Memory Shock system. (Most of the practice is remembering things you want to remember anyway, AND can be done while you are doing other things, like driving your car, doing the laundry, and mowing the lawn.)
- Kids: Have fun treating yourself to this material, twenty minutes a day, during dopey time, or when there’s nothing on TV. Your grades will skyrocket. (Really. That’s true.)
- Ladies: Forget ‘Fifty Shades of Grey.’ THIS is the steamy book to take on vacation. (Well, OK, maybe not steamy.)
- Job-seekers: Make it impossible for any other applicant to be as impressive as you. [Chapter 26]
- Members of the ‘where did I put the car keys’ brigade: No kidding. In just twenty minutes a day, you’ll overcome all of those problems. (What problems? I forget.) [Chapter 22]
Why am I so pleased to have made this system available? No, it’s not purely altruism, although I really do want to help anyone who’s suffering the way I was. I really do want those with already-good memories to function at incredible new levels. And I really do want this to make its way to youngsters and change their lives. But it’s also to build buzz for my public speaking business. More info about my speaking HERE. (Not-for profit? In addition to my full-fee speaking engagements for corporations and large associations, I can speak to and motivate your non-profit or charitable group for a very nominal fee and any travel expenses.)
The book is available as a Kindle download (for ALL devices that use the free Kindle App). Those who prefer a touch-it feel-it book, can order ‘Secrets, Tips, and Tricks of a Powerful Memory: The Memory Shock Oh-So-Easy Fun-to-Learn User’s Guide for Your Brain’ as a handsome paperback.
And this! The entire program—everything in the book, plus extra introductory material—is now available as a 4-CD set. Learn these powerful techniques during otherwise wasted time driving to work or school. For a limited time at the special reduced price of $47.00, INCLUDING a FREE copy of the book. You can learn during that drive time, and then if you want to go over something at home, just open the book. Chapter numbers are the same.
I know you’ll enjoy this informal classroom-in-a-book that presents all the secrets, tips, and tricks that I teach in my highly rated community college power-course – and more – in bite-sized-chunks a day. You’ll be doing yourself, your kids, and your friends a giant favor by starting to enjoy this material today.